Tuesday, 30 November 2010

My Big but Useless Dreams

So this is going to be something of a brief post because, to be perfectly honest, I'm feeling a bit burned out from exam preparation. The topic for this is the plethora of elaborate plans that have been popping into my head as of late. Some of them you will laugh at and others you will find very familiar. Everyone dreams about doing something different to what they are currently undertaking - I guess it's just human nature - but most of those things are fairly far off and ultimately useless (although I am not saying that it is bad to dream - I have a soul you know!)

Monday, 22 November 2010

Harry Potter Syndrome

So as promised, this latest post is not going to be about me or my self-deprecating ways - 'whew!' I here you exclaim and rightly enough. I was getting a bit fed up about writing about my life because if I've already lived it once and it's occasionally too much to write about it as well. Obviously the stuff I've been writing about for the last couple of months has hit the mark though and, as I mentioned at the foot of last week's post, I would like to thank everyone who has complimented (or 'bigged up' as kids on the street might say) my posts. It really means a lot that: 1) there is actually people taking time to read it and 2) that they are taking even more time to tell me that they enjoyed it. I've written more than 10 lines now and I've not talked about anything but me which I promised I wouldn't but I'm one of those people that can't ever say thanks enough so be prepared for it too pop up again in the future!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Love May Well Tear Us Apart Again, But Exams Won't

You'll all be glad to hear that, after this post has been put online, I am going to find something other than university/me to write about. Yes you may well find my mishaps and other self-deprecating stories funny but I feel it is about time that I branched out the scope of this blog further than just 'ME!'. But before all of that fun begins I have an interesting (well what I hope will be an interesting) topic for my latest posts - exams. Now I was heckled for mentioning exams in my last post but I feel that it is better to talk about them than to ignore them - after all the majority of you will have some sort of exam before the Christmas and New Year festivities can begin. I hope that, rather selfishly of me, that this post will help me to understand better what I have to do over the next couple of weeks to get through these exams unscathed but I also hope that you take something out of it as well.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Time Doesn't Just Fly When You're Having Fun

This seems to be all I can write about just now and I should possibly apologise for that but, lets be honest, I'm not going to. After all it is the life I lead now and to not write about it would be pretty stupid. If you hadn't already gathered from the title, the subject of this post is that fact that time just keeps slipping away from me; especially when I'm doing work for university. I agree with the old saying that time flies when one is having fun but I now believe it to be true all of the time - in fact so much so that I would like to grab the person who coined the original phrase and smash a clock over his face. Well maybe not as far as that, but certainly I often find myself wondering where certain hours in the day disappear to. So much so that I am seriously considering getting something that chimes every hour so that I can keep track of each one. This sounds mad (and lets be honest, I'm not going to do it) but I have the firm belief that someone is stealing hours from me when I am writing essays and reading. Something must be done about this thief of time!

Monday, 1 November 2010

A Week in the Life of a Law Student

I've been angling at this post for quite a while because I think it'll be interesting just to see what happens to all of those weeks that just fly past with nothing to show for them except a diminished bank account and dirty clothes. Hopefully it doesn't make me out to be too much of a bore but then again, each to their own as they say. Enjoy...