Wednesday, 28 December 2011

I'm a Local...Get Me Out of Here!

Facebook is a marvel don't you think? Without it we would not be able to get our grievances off of our chests or read about those of other people that seem to haunt their lives so. It seems that every time I click onto Facebook I see at least one 'friend' moan about where they live and the fact that they have to 'git oot ae this place'. Firstly I would like to point out that I detest people writing like that. I was once a person of such literally laziness but I've since shaken my bones to become the very person that you read today. The only time that you'll catch me writing anything like that would be out of mockery of people that are the same age as me but act as if they are 12. Anyway, back to my main point. People don't ever seem to be happy with where they come from. They always seem to feel that the grass is much greener somewhere else but my view is that the place you live is what you make of it, not what it says on the tin.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Back Home

I've been pining after this day for a very long time now. I could spurt out some useless clichés such as 'you don't know what you've got until it has gone' but I'm starting to understand just what that means. Now, from those couple of sentences, with it being Christmas Eve and the fact that I'm writing this from home and not from Edinburgh, you would think that I'm happy to be home and that Christmas has finally wriggled its way into my psyche - you would only be half right I'm afraid. Yes it's grand to be home and to feel a modicum of Christmas cheer but the greatest thing that I can say I'm delighted about it that I can blog again, free from the guilt of procrastination and the stress of exams. I can't begin to tell you just how many ideas I've had for posts over the last few weeks whilst the exam period kept me hostage - solitary confinement tends to get the mind working. I'm so happy to be home and to be spending Christmas with my family but to add gravy to the turkey, I'm blogging again and that makes me feel just as at home.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Signing Off

I couldn't bring myself to do this last night on account of the fact that I was on my knees after a long day but I'm here now. This is pretty much me reporting to all of you lovely readers that I'm going to give myself a few weeks away from my blog because of my immanent exams. Like the rest of my peers I'm certainly a little bit on edge at the moment but I feel that the next week or so might serve to help me get my head above water and into full speed mode. I think that I made the same decision last year to stop blogging throughout my exams because all I would write is how crap I feel and nobody wants to read about that. I'm hoping that at the end of the exams (only a few days before Christmas by the way!) I'm going to have that great feeling of having a weight lifted off of my shoulders and that is the kind of thing that I like to write about. 

There is a good chance that I'm not going to blog before Christmas so if I don't then I hope you all have a great festive period whatever you may be doing. I would also like to extend a message of good luck to people sitting exams all across the country and a particular shout-out to my fellow law students - it hurts I know, but we'll all be fine!

Thanks for reading and be sure to keep an eye out for a post around about Christmas/New Year time - over and out!
