Thursday, 14 January 2010

Just a child? Not for long.

I recently realised the reality of my years and also, judging from the first words of this blog, my new found love for alliteration too. The latter is a by-product of recently rekindled love for the english language but lets focus on the former for now. I mean nobody wants to read about that kind of thing.
So as the 'noughties' slip behind along with the first full decade of my life, I began to realise that my childhood has gone with them. In about two months time I will be 18 and in about five months time I will be finshing my childhood education as well. Most will be happy about this, some have already found a way out of the system but me, well I value what I have just now and will be sorry to see it go. Some will call me crazy and others may sympathise with me but there's a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me that this is truly the end of my youth. It could be argued that being young nowadays is to be say 25 but there is a fundamental difference for me. Childhood is all about being wrapped up in cotton wool and being spoon fed everything. It is about laying the foundations for adulthood and so can dictate so very much about who you will be and what path your life will take in the future. It can be said that every period of your life has a similar impact on such things but a prosperous childhood more often than not leads to a prosperous life. My impeding increase in years has made me realise that I will soon be out in the 'big bad world' as it is so often referred to. Whatever childhood has taught me does not seem to have prepared me for such tundra's of danger or such perilous journeys yet I have no fear about this change. Its going to happen whether any of my peers or I like it and to embrace it seems like the way forward. I can't wait for adult life to begin but somewhere deep inside me there will always be that little kid looking on saying: "I made all of this, and by Jove didn't I make a crackin' job of it".
So blogging seems to be a way of letting some of the muck that rattles around in my head loose and so I will be adding to this occasionally. Bored? Well i'm sure someone is but if my rambling didn't bore someone then for some reason I would be disappointed. A new release for me and maybe, just maybe, someone might enjoy it at some point. "Over and over and over and out!"

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