Sunday, 24 October 2010

Old Man Syndrome

Early nights, sore knees and a daily paper: who would have thought this would be the formula to my life just a couple of months ago as I embarked on my student life? It seems I missed the boat when they were handing out iron livers and caffeine shots because I just can't do it for some reason. If fact I correct myself on that matter because a lot of you will know that I can drink all day if the mood takes me, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just don't enjoy it as much as I used to. The main reason I think is that I worry too much about falling behind in terms of university work which is nothing to be ashamed of. I've managed to get myself this far because I put a lot of effort in to high school and I'll be damned if I stop now. It's also unfair to say that it's the nature of my course that means that I feel like this because I know people who are doing the same thing as me who are going out all the time and still manage to keep up - what am I doing wrong? I ask myself this all the time and am yet to find an answer.

What is actually quite ironic about this post is that I am saying that I don't go out as much anymore because I am concentrating on my university stuff. The truth is that I have my first piece of assessed work tomorrow which I should currently be practicing for yet here I am writing a blog post - what kind of procrastination is this!?!? Maybe at New Year I will make up for all of the times that I haven't gone out over the last few weeks - at least then I won't have any university work to do for a couple of weeks. It's been pretty hard trying to find a comfortable balance between the two but I am slowly but surely getting there and it won't be long until I can go out until 3 in the morning and then show up for lectures wide awake at 10 - that's probably one of the biggest lies you'll hear students say because it just isn't possible.

Anyway I really do need to crack on with this work which I am looking forward to getting out of the way tomorrow; only so I can come back to my flat and drink coffee whilst reading the Guardian.

Thanks for reading,



  1. Haha, an excellent topic choice. I am not in a dissimilar position to yourself. Except,I go out too often and struggle majorly with the work. You my fiend, shall have the last laugh.

  2. Aw Martin, You'll get back into all the booze during the holidays! I drink but no where near as much, not because of university work but because living in halls has taken all my money off me

  3. It certainly is a weird position to be in since only a year ago I would long for the weekend when I was going to go out and get drunk - how things change huh?
    It's also to do with money because now I have to look after myself with the money I've got and spending £25 on a night out just isn't economical anymore.


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