Monday, 31 January 2011

Simple Hearts, Simple Minds

I was home at the weekend for the second time this year and went out 'on the town' there for the first time for a while. Needless to say that I had a good night: familiar faces, voices and the dull sights which make home the way it should be. Having said that there were times that I thought to myself: 'you know? I would rather be in Edinburgh just now with a law textbook' and I'm not 100% sure why. It's not that I don't love spending time with everyone from back home but there is something different about things now - a slight emptiness. It even felt like that when I was in the house as well which says everything really - it's not the people, it's just the place.

The title of this post one that could be viewed as being fairly rude because it means pretty much what it says. Some of the people (most of the people) that I came across at the weekend (I hasten to add I mean people that I don't know) seemed fairly content with their simple lives. 'Haha Martin's up on his high horse looking down on the commoners!' I hear you say but honestly it's not like that. If anything there are times when I would give a few fingers to be like that - content. Yes I've got it all (minus a few fundamentals - where are all the woman!?) but there are times when I wish that life was a little bit more simple. I would like to have it a bit easier for just one day out of 100. 

Instead I give myself a fairly rough time of it and admittedly I get the grades that I deserve. This sounds perfect and if previous posts are anything to go by then I can't really complain can I? Well the truth is that I've got as much right to moan about my current situation as the next person. But as the old saying goes: 'I've made my bed now I should sleep in it'. And the irony is that I did make my bed on my return to Edinburgh last night and fought to the death with my duvet cover - what a sight that would have been. There must be some sort of metaphor in there but it might just be that I'm incompetent when it comes to household tasks - I'll avoid making any female related comments because I'm not called either Richard or Andy.

Anyway this is a short and sweet post (not something I'm very well known for) but it holds something that is very important to me in it. If I could have a proper day off at some point this year (or for a few years to come) then I would be a rich man in terms of life. Yes I've committed my life to studying law but there are times when I wish I could live for the weekend (incidentally the topic of my next post) but I really can't afford to. Just get on with it Martin and quit your moaning!



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