Monday, 11 April 2011

The Voice in our Heads

Today's entry promises to be something of a short post since I am pretty tired from playing football for a large chunk of the day. It's nice to have good weather (if a little bit unpredictable) for stuff like that - lifts your mood somewhat. Today's post is about the things that go on inside our heads that make us go stir crazy - I'll try and keep this as cheery as possible, I promise! People say that talking to yourself is one of the first signs of madness but we all do it. Does this make us all crazy or is this the norm? I'm not really talking about vocalising with yourself but more the stuff that goes on inside your head. I'm talking to myself inside my head as I type this post and you'll talk inside your head to yourself when you have finished reading - it's perfectly natural. But what of those things that we spend hours thinking about (the opposite sex, exams etc)? Those are the kind of things that can really eat a person up something proper and I think we all need to learn how to deal with it before we can ever call ourselves happy.

It can come from the most inane thing like someone not texting back or being a bit off with you for a night. We over-think the actions of people that are close to us or that we like. It hurts most of the time because we never tell ourselves that everything is going to be alright. We talk ourselves into believing that the worst thing that could ever happen has and that there really is no way back to the 'way things were'. If we felt like that all the time we would never grow up! I can guarantee that everyone reading this post has wished at some point in the last couple of months that they were a child again - it's fun to laugh about and for reminiscent purposes but when you mean it, you have problems. If we all rated how good a day we are having against the best one we have ever had, every day would be crap. It works the same for the things I mentioned above (like relationships): if we pined after that same special moment all of the time, we wouldn't get anywhere. If you keep telling yourself that something awful has happened (or if you read too much into something minor) then you are likely to be miserable for a long time. 

It doesn't take a particularly big person to take control of one's head. If you catch yourself worrying about something that someone said or did, stop! It really isn't worth it in the long run, you'll make yourself utterly miserable and every other aspect of your life will start to revolve around something comparatively minor. Tell yourself that you have bigger fish to fry or that you are a better person than that - you undoubtedly are, regardless of what you have whirring around in your head. So the next time someone does something that gets you thinking (for the wrong reasons), either tackle it head on or move forward and forget about it - it will cleanse your soul and make you an all round happier person.

Thank you for reading as per usual and apologies for the shortness,


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