Coming off the back of last week when I was looking at my favourite posts, I thought that (somewhat ironically) I wouldn't have anything to write about this week. That worry was quickly quelled yesterday when I woke up and actually did something with my day! 'Wow Martin, you've really hit a low' I can hear you all think because, lets be honest, that shouldn't be much of an achievement for anyone but the thing is that yesterday was actually something to behold. My plans were executed to perfection and subsequently I felt great. I also don't think I've ever written as much in a single day as I did yesterday, hence the title of this post.
The plan was made on Saturday night after a trip to the cinema. I made a list in my head of all of the things that I needed to do, both for university and everything else on top of that. The morning wasn't all that easy because getting out of bed recently just hasn't been great fun for me but I shook my weary bones and cracked on. I prepared a couple of tutorials in the morning which took about 3 hours to do but they've been done properly which is good. That's something that I strive to do every time because consistently preparing tutorials well can only be a good thing for my education. I then got on with the house-work that needed done which is nobody's favourite but it's a reality that I'm used to. With that all behind me I was able to sit down and relax but if anything my plans for the day by that point were far from complete.
If you were reading my posts last week then you'll know that I'm also writing a blog on a car website and my post for that was next on my list. I knew that if I did that before all of my university work then that would throw me for the rest of the day. I saved it as something of a treat for me and, as alien as that sounds to some people, it got me through the tough stuff. I'm not sure when my post will get put live but I'll be sure to mention it over on my Facebook page during the week. That was the pièce de résistance of my day and it's always something I look forward to doing - words, I need more words!
So I'm going to have to make a slight admission. Despite the fact that one of the tags for today's post is going to be 'Me on Monday', this post was also composed on Sunday as well - that's how well my plan went. The fact that I go out on a Monday night isn't very conducive to writing a nice full post for your consumption. I guess the reality is that this post should be 'Me on Sunday' but that doesn't sound right and something really exciting or important might happen in the next 24 hours but I think I'll take that chance.
So all that is left for me now to do on my mental list for this evening is this: dinner, pub quiz and then bed before another week of university ahead of me. I guess I'm showing off a little bit with this post but it's not very often I get to say that I've actually had a productive day - especially when the day in question is a Sunday.
Thanks for reading folks!
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