Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Advice to Naive Sports Stars

Following on from the fact that I don't really blog about much else than person experience at the moment, today's post is going to be about something that I learned today. I'll provide you with your fix of 'world events' later on but you'll just have to wait for it! Today I played football for the first time since the summer and it didn't go very well. I thought that I was a lot fitter than I actually am and this attitude that I had soon lead to problems. 

Firstly I was a little bit too eager so I ran around a lot, chasing the ball for about 2 or 3 minutes before I realised that I was breathing out of my rear-end - not a great start. I then slowly dropped into a place that I really don't like: I felt very light-headed and I started to have a metallic taste in my mouth. My first thought was that it was blood but there wasn't a sign of any. I was pretty freaked out as you can imagine and I was starting to regret my initial thought that I was even remotely fit. It turns out that if you look fit and well, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are. That is the advice that I would give to anyone who thinks that, because they are in good shape they are also fit - there is no guarantee of this. When I think about it I've not actually done any exercise since I came back to university almost 2 months ago. The only stuff that I do regularly is walk a lot and occasionally I do floor exercises in my room - that's about it though. Turns out that both of those things don't mean that you can start running and hope to get away with it.

The problem that I do have is that I'm not sure if it's a muscular fitness problem that I've got. I was just running out of breath very easily which probably comes from the fact that my lungs aren't ever really used strenuously and therefore they are probably at their lowest capacity possible. Before next week I'm going to try and get the capacity of them back up again and make sure that I'm super hydrated going into it - apparently the reason why I was having a metallic taste in my mouth.

I'm not falling apart and I'm certainly not unhealthy but I think that today has shown me that I'm not as fit as I used to be and I probably never will be again - sitting behind a desk at a computer for months on end will do that to you. I enjoy a kick about obviously because I love my football more than most things in the world but at the same time maybe I'm more suited to sitting behind a desk. Guess it's all a part of growing up that I'm just going to have to come to terms with.

Thanks for reading and to satisfy your need for even more of my writing, I finally got around to writing another post on Netcars which you can find here. Hope you enjoy it.


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