I must say straight away that the only reason that I'm writing this post tonight is because I was just watching Big Bang Theory - that is all. Well, OK I'll explain a bit further in depth in a second but I wasn't planning on writing tonight (shock horror!) because I'm pretty tired and I cut my hand on a broken glass this evening - can't say I'm enjoying this typing malarkey at the moment to be fair. I'll crack on with this smashing post though (might as well embrace this evening's clumsiness) and get back to what I was saying above. Raj said to Leonard that he needs to get 'back on the whores'. He was swiftly corrected by a bemused Howard whilst I chuckled myself into a post dinner stitch and decided that I might as well write about my first day back at big school.
To be perfectly honest with you all (and you know how much I like honesty - I'm sure you all look beautiful tonight by the way) it felt like I'd never been away. The lecturers were different today - they tend to be when you have different subjects - but the faces that sat around me in various knitted items were just the same and, although I only know a small chunk of the people on my course, it was nice to see everyone again. I should however mention that subsequent to a post that I did during the holiday, I genuinely believe that something changed in me over the festive period. I'm feeling more enthusiastic about law than I have done probably since the start of first year and I think that I might be able to get a lot of this semester as a result.
All that needs to happen now is that I get my exam results back (which seems as far away as me being able to cultivate facial hair) and they disappoint me slightly and then things will go one of two ways: I'll either take it as a sign that I didn't work hard enough last semester (which I'm pretty sure I did) and work harder in the coming months or I'll be put back to square one and I'll have to try to 'fall in love' with law all over again - might be harder the second time, the cheating tart. I shall leave that until the time comes around when the exam board meet and get things together before I get into a deep conversation about what the gender of the law could be if it was to have one. However if I was to fall in love with it then I would have to say female - I'm going to stop rambling now due to the blood loss I've had this evening.
I'm not going to put the above scenario to a poll because I don't want people to tell me that I'm going to take on board bad exam results like I would sour milk. However, a slightly more successful poll has been the one that's been at the side of the screen for the last couple of weeks and has resulted in me deciding the new name for my blog after the point at which one becomes twenty years young. 'Ramblings of a Twenty-Something' has a ring to it and it has the same pattern as this other great blog that I've heard people talking about, the name of which escapes me at the moment.
For now I shall say goodnight but thanks for reading this evening and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your night - I'm off to watch Eastenders suckers!
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