Monday, 2 August 2010

My Interior Monologues

I'm pretty sure that you will know by now that I am pretty fascinated with words and writing as I have mentioned it in most of my previous posts and have even based a couple of them on the subject. This particular post is going to be short and sweet in terms of fresh writing and is going to be filled up with examples of the kind of writing that I do (away from this blog of course because then I would just find myself quoting pervious posts which would be nonsensical). I must point out that if I was to put down an example of everything that I have ever written be it poems, monologues and general musings then this post would be, for want of a better word, epic. It would span for page after page and would more than likely bore you after a while. That's why I'm going to keep it as short as I can and just give you the' tip of the iceberg'.

I am going to keep this post fairly brief so I'll just put up a few short monologues that I put together recently which might seem very encrypted initially but after a few reads might make more sense. The first one is about being metaphorically lost and not really knowing where you are at a certain point in your life:

I think I might be lost but I don't know why or when it happened all I know is that I can't find my way somewhere and even then I don't know where such a destination exists or why such a place should want even want to facilitate someone in such a lost state as myself but as not to confuse matters I shall continue to search for this place and not rely on assumptions and frail ideas for such absurd paths could assume that I no longer want to find this place that I speak of even though if I am not sure such a place even exists or that in the event that such a place does exist that it will facilitate someone as lost as I find myself just now.

The next one is looking at how you can only chose the people that hold you back and that if a person was ever to do so without you letting them then they would have to have be super human:

If someone was to stand in my way and become an obstacle to my life then I wonder where I would go after realising that such a person would have to be strong and mighty to be able to stand in the way of ambition and passion and the unrelenting drive to succeed in a life where only the brave stand tall and the weak are those who find themselves standing only behind people that are as weak as them. 

The final one that I will put up is about equality and the fact that, if we were all stripped right down to the bare bones then it would show us all to be the same:

Whoever said that I could not win and be better than them is a person who not only does not exist but if someone of that persuasion was to come to light then they would struggle to survive under the weight of people such as myself and even if that person was never to utter such words upon a peer then they still hold claim to being better than someone else which is not only obtuse but could land them in a trouble that would burden even the strongest souls on this very earth that we all share in equal measures and call home.

So that is a few examples of one of the best ways, in my opinion, to let out emotions and ideas. Although they have no structure and no punctuation, there is a really powerful message in each of them that can be applied in any way you see fit. Not all of my monologues are written like that but I felt that those were the best examples of what I would call 'power writing' because each of them only took a few minutes to compose and, as bare as they seem, prove to be very powerful.

It wasn't until last year's Advanced Higher English class that I was properly introduced to this art of writing monologues but have since come across many examples which have captivated me. I guess that I owe a lot to that class because without the guidance of a couple of particularly excellent teachers I think I would be playing Football Manager in my spare time instead of writing.

Thanks again for reading as always and I hope that you give this art just a few minutes out of your day because that's all it needs and oh how cathartic it can be.



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