Thursday, 19 August 2010

An Urge to Write About Nothing in Particular...

If you are a regular reader of this blog then you will know that I go through periods when I write a lot and then periods of complete blogging silence. In fact I have mentioned this particular trend in a few previous posts so you should be used to reading about it by now. Recently, with the amount of free time I have on my hands, I have had a stronger urge than at any time since I started this blog, to write. So much so that this will be my 4th post this month which is unprecedented. The only issue that I have is that sometimes I don't always have one thing to write about. For example in the past I have written about leaving school, about holidays and even about cheese and coffee. Today I just feel like writing about something so I'm not sure where I'll be in 500 words time which could be interesting but on the other hand could be hellishly boring for you - hang in there though.

So what exactly could I write about? Well I could talk about current affairs such as the passing of the first 10o days of the coalition but, giving my political stance, I don't think it would be a very unbiased piece. I could talk about things a little closer to home and deliver a damning report about the way that certain people conduct themselves but again I don't think that would be very fair - plus it's more fun to watch things unfold on a certain social networking site. So again - what should I write about? How about we have a little wonder into the scary thought of moving away from home? Ye that could work...

Well in three weeks time, I'll be moving away from Livingston for the first time in my life into Edinburgh. It's strange to think that I've spent my whole life here and then in the space of a day I will no longer live here permanently. But as scary as it all seems at the moment, I have a strong feeling that the time is right for a change of scenery. I would say that life here has slowed down massively for me since the turn of the year - or maybe it has always been like this and it's me that has changed. That's much more likely I think. I know that many of you will be moving away as well and I'm sure you will agree with me when I conjecture that we have outgrown the very place that we call home.

An advantage for me is that Edinburgh is the nearest city to home and so not only will I be able to come home for good quality cooked meals now and again, I already have a good knowledge of the city having spent a lot of time there in my life so far. Edinburgh is a magnificent city in my opinion and I fancy that I'm going to have the time of my life whilst I'm there. In fact when I was Edinburgh last week, it was pointed out to me that I could end up working in the same street for the rest of my life with the law school being on the same street as one of the major courts in Scotland -  this really could be the biggest move I ever make.

As for other people moving to other cities, it's going to be pretty much the same deal for them as well: a new city to live in; new people to meet; a new life to make. I guess that's what will define us as adults when it comes to it in 10 or so years time - how well we handle this move. Some will hate it and move back home for their second year but most will love it and embrace this new and exciting chapter in their lives - I know I will.

So there you go - I only wanted to write something down and it has turned out to be pretty short. What that says about my imagination and writing ability I'm not quite sure. All I know is that this time next year I will be a different person and I would guess that moving away from home is going to play a big part in that.

Should I start packing now?

Happy moving people and thank you once again for bearing with a ramble,


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