Monday, 23 May 2011

It's Good to be Back!

As I clear my throat and stretch off my weary fingers, it feels good to be back. My great loves in life are football, books and people but I never considered myself to have something that was a little different - something that I could say was mine. Until this blog was started about a year and a half ago I think it would be fair to say that I was without a hobby. I started it up because I had something to write on a cold day in January and here we are today, over 60 posts later and I've realised just how important this empty text box is to me. These last 2 weeks have been some of the most challenging of my life and have certainly put me and everyone around me through the wringer like never before. I think it was a good idea to take a little break from writing my blog but I really have missed it - have you guys? I suppose it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I was to stop doing it all together because that's generally what happens with blogs over time; unless it hits the big-time the writer gets bored. I've always maintained that I will be happy even if only one person reads what I've got to write and that looks set to continue. It's good to be back!

The plan for this week is to put out 5 posts (including this one) about stuff that has been rattling around in my head for the last couple of weeks including stuff about exams (and what I've learned from them) and other things that I've seen and heard. I've also got a guest writer piece for some time this week as well which I'm looking forward to putting up. As I said, it's been a tough time for me recently for more reasons that one; I'm just looking forward to getting back to my writing and to get back to some kind of normality - something that has been lacking from my life for quite a while. Nobody has ever told me directly how much this blog means to them but I have been told in the past that people look forward to reading it. Hopefully now that exams are out of the way I'll be able to provide you with some good reading material for the weeks to come.

The summer promises to be a rich period of writing and thinking for me because a) I've got a lot of time on my hands and b) I don't have anything else to do. This, however, comes with a slight problem on my part: I'm not going to be able to post after this week for a few weeks. This is because I'm heading to mainland Europe for a few weeks which I really can't wait for. Basically what is going to happen is that I'm going to have a 'bumper' week this week, take stuff with me on holiday so that I can write and then come back and have another 'bumper' week (or maybe 2!). The idea is to keep a journal when I'm away so it will probably be mostly that kind of stuff but if I get a spare half hour somewhere I'll maybe write something that isn't related to my holiday.

It's great to be back and hopefully I'll be able to give you something to enjoy in the week ahead!


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