Friday, 27 May 2011

My Passion for the Blog

Standing on the brink of another break from writing this blog, I've suddenly got a greater passion for it than ever - so much so that it's going to be hard not being able to post for the 3 weeks that I'm on the continent. That said though, I'm going to be traveling for 3 weeks which will take the edge off this disappointment somewhat. It'll also give me a chance to think about new things to write and might make the things that I write about more interesting. I feel that the best way to make your writing interesting is by being able to include personal experiences in it - something that I should have in abundance come the end of June.

Last night I found myself feeling more passion for writing than I have for a long time. I think that it might have something to do with the free nature of this blog - I'm not exactly writing legal essays just now am I!? It's not something that is unfamiliar to me though because while people get very excited by new computer games or shopping, I get my kicks out of writing. It was the realisation that the exams were over and that I could write again without any external pressures that probably made me feel that way but the simple fact of the matter is that I enjoy writing this blog so much that it's only natural for me to feel enthusiastic about it. In general there are only 3 things that I look up online: football, legal stuff (until about a week and a half ago) and articles about blogs. I probably spend more time reading about blogging than I actually do blogging - the wonderful world wide web for you!

I don't really like people telling me what to do and so I tend not to tell other people what to do - you can't make people do what they don't want to after all. For this reason I'm only going to give you some 'friendly advice' that you can choose what to do with: start a blog or at least start writing in your spare time. The thing that stops people from doing this is mostly their lack of confidence about their own work which, as can be seen from the most recent guest writer post that I put up, is usually wide of the mark. I love that people read my blog and continue to do so but there are so many things that have yet to be written and I can't write them all on my own. Trying to find a blog on the internet that you really like can often be a really hard thing and to do something 'different' is even harder. This blog, for example, probably has more than 1 million contemporaries online - don't let this put you off either. It's all about taking a little bit of a risk and seeing what people think - it will normally be positive.

So as I get set for what promises to be a great holiday you should think about getting yourself somewhere to write. It would be nice to have other blogs that I could link up with and in the future to have some kind of network. Most of you are better writers than me for sure and to use the title from one of my favourite Twin Atlantic songs: I think it's time for you to stand up!

Thanks for reading and I'll be back writing on here in a few weeks! Arrivederci!


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