Tuesday, 30 November 2010

My Big but Useless Dreams

So this is going to be something of a brief post because, to be perfectly honest, I'm feeling a bit burned out from exam preparation. The topic for this is the plethora of elaborate plans that have been popping into my head as of late. Some of them you will laugh at and others you will find very familiar. Everyone dreams about doing something different to what they are currently undertaking - I guess it's just human nature - but most of those things are fairly far off and ultimately useless (although I am not saying that it is bad to dream - I have a soul you know!)

So here is just a few examples of thing that have been swirling around under my 'long overdue a haircut' hair as of late:

  • I want to write a book: I think that almost every second person in the world has the dream of one day writing a book of some kind - not such a crazy thought but it might have to wait until I retire from the career I've not even started yet.
  • I want to learn to play an instrument: not such a far off dream you might think but if you ever do have the displeasure of hearing me play anything then you'll soon change your mind. The big dream is to learn to play the guitar but I genuinely believe that life is too short for that malarky.
  • I want to read: I hear you say 'you already can you muppet!' to which I reply 'I'm aware of that you larger muppet!'. What I mean is that I want to read all of those books that everyone says you have to read before you die. I want to power through 'War and Peace' and enjoy countless more classics along the way - another part of the 'retirement plan' I think.
  • I want to write: now you think I'm just being stupid because what am I doing right now? What I really mean (and yes, this is separate to my first point above) is that I want to be a journalist which might not be that crazy in the grand scheme of things. After all, being a blogger for the rest of my days might become less and less inviting.
  • ...and the rest: travel the world; build my dwindling confidence; watch all of the Harry Potter films in the same day etc.
So there you go. When I look over these more recent ones then I say to myself 'I've heard it all before' because they really are the same ones that everyone trots out when asked what they would really 'love' to do. The funny thing is that I actually started writing an introduction to a 'book' the other day but I guess it was a really odd way of avoiding revision - what a strange fellow I can be sometimes!

After the poll (which I must admit I expected more votes on) I am going to introduce the comment button at the bottom of posts. It would be interesting to hear other people's most recent dreams and aspirations, no matter how far off they seem. 

Thanks for reading y'all,



  1. I would be interested to hear how you do in your exams. From your blog, in law, I do not think you have found your calling.

  2. I'm sure there will be a post about the results of my first law exams. Interesting to hear your thoughts but I guess only time will tell! I'm certainly enjoying things up until now.

  3. I too find myself dreaming of things which may seem very realistic(maybe even more so than yourself). for example I had a dream last night that I simply passed my exam. a bit of a weird dream, but maybe a sign that I'm doing way too much work for uni:L generally I'm having slightly more abstract dreams and newer aspirations which i never really considered. I feel the need now to keep track more, maybe because my life is s full and hectic i feel more use for organisation. Maybe, like yourself most of my ideas are sub-consciously just to avoid more studying. agree with the previous blog comment in that you should maybe post a blog about something law related, teach us something interesting(if there is) about law. and let us be inspired...

  4. I don't know if I would go as far as saying that law might not be your calling, but I do believe that your blogs are written extremely well. They flow seamlessly and are in my opinion captivating.

    I love this post because I myself find dreams or aspirations of mine that I hope I will accomplish before I die. One like yours is that I want to write a book someday as well, but like you said who knows when that will eventually happen. However even with my dreams I still feel that as long as you want them enough to come true or to happen than it will. I don't think someone will end up doing one thing in life because no one knows the obstacles that might happen. So they may be dreams now, but someday they may become your reality :)

  5. Sorry about the epic length of time that it has taken me to reply to your comments. Thank you for your kind words and I'll be sure to take all of your thoughts on board - I'm always looking out for my next blog post title.


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