Thursday, 11 November 2010

Time Doesn't Just Fly When You're Having Fun

This seems to be all I can write about just now and I should possibly apologise for that but, lets be honest, I'm not going to. After all it is the life I lead now and to not write about it would be pretty stupid. If you hadn't already gathered from the title, the subject of this post is that fact that time just keeps slipping away from me; especially when I'm doing work for university. I agree with the old saying that time flies when one is having fun but I now believe it to be true all of the time - in fact so much so that I would like to grab the person who coined the original phrase and smash a clock over his face. Well maybe not as far as that, but certainly I often find myself wondering where certain hours in the day disappear to. So much so that I am seriously considering getting something that chimes every hour so that I can keep track of each one. This sounds mad (and lets be honest, I'm not going to do it) but I have the firm belief that someone is stealing hours from me when I am writing essays and reading. Something must be done about this thief of time!

I should point out that this is not something new for me. Even when I was working on highers and advanced highers at high school, I found myself sitting down just after lunch time and then, what felt like just 10 minutes later, getting up to go and get dinner. The worst thing about time slipping past at university however is that I am under my own steam for meals. I don't have my Mum calling up to me that my dinner is ready multiple times and I certainly don't get the smell of cooking wafting into my room (my room smells like coffee and nothing else). So this being the case, I've found myself on many occasions eating dinner at 8 or 9 o'clock at night just because I didn't know what time it was. I'm just quickly scanning my room to see how many places I could check the time and there are 4; the main one being the clock in the task-bar on my laptop which is always on anyway. So why, I ask myself, do I seem to lose track of the hours so easily?

The answer to this conundrum could lie in one of the greatest inventions known to man - the timetable. Now to avoid sounding to immodest I'm a pretty conscientious when it comes to studying and I'm even better at getting stuff done but I don't think I would ever have turned out like this if I hadn't discovered the wonder that is the timetable. In fact I am such a supporter of it that I am going to give it a new name: 'The Beacon of Hope for Students'. I know it's not a name that slides off the tongue but it'll do for now. When I first discovered that timetables weren't just for 'pale-kids' (yes, 'Recess' was a big part of my childhood as well) my life changed. In fact I'll put that another way - my studying changed. My life was relatively unaffected because I managed to timetable for the stuff I usually did as well! It meant that I found time for studying (and I should say good quality studying as well) and time for being plain lazy. In fact I still have the timetable I used throughout high school saved on my laptop and I can see I was timetabled to 'Relax' for certain periods in the day. I'd even put in the hours when I should read a book which got more books read as well (and I've not stopped since). As a result of this great planner I did very well at high school and here I am today; studying law at one of the best universities in the world.

There you have it: the answer to all of your time-wasting problems is one of the most simple things in the world. Once I've got all of the essays out of the way that I have to do for next week, I am going to concentrate on forming the best study timetable that is ever known to man - it might just be the only way that I am going to pass my first law exams.

Thanks again for reading and if anyone does manage to catch this Time Thief then could you please bring him to me for it is him (or her because I like to be as PC in this blog as possible) that I would like to crack over the face with a clock.



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